Food Allergy
Allergy Information
Allergy Labelling Legislation
We are required by law to provide allergy information on food we prepare and sell.
Click on Food Standards Agency’s ’14 Allergens to see the allergens we must highlight when they are used as ingredients in food.
Our Commitment
We are committed to reducing food allergy risks to our customers. We do this by providing safe food and information about allergens.
The Antwerp Arms cannot guarantee a completely allergen free environment. Instead, we minimise the risk of exposure to food allergens, encourage self-responsibility and plan for effective response to possible emergencies.
Our kitchen staff are food safety qualified. To keep you safe, our staff follow the latest government guidelines, legislation and best practice when preparing food.
Our Food
Click AA Allergens aug 20 to read our allergy food chart showing our standard dishes and the ingredients used in them. Our dishes are in the left column. The allergens are in the fourth row. We have marked each dish with a red cross if it contains any allergens. A magenta cross indicates which allergens may be present. If you are allergic to items that do not appear on the allergy list, please let your server know. Please ask your server about allergen details for special dishes.