Lets face it The Annie is the best boozer in Tottenham
Annie’s first baby
Presenting Cecilia Leather, daughter to shareholders Gaby and Jack. She looks forward to chilling with other Tottenham tots in The Annie’s gorgeous garden.
Welcome to the world little girl.
It’s posts like this on FB page that make it all worth while.
“I was at a party in East London and over heard someone raving about this amazing community pub in Tottenham I immediately honed in and joined in saying I knew Ashleigh and that I agreed that the Antwerp Arms is indeed wonderful – word my friends has spread to the East!!!”
Alsion Beeton-Hilter
We’re in the news again. See the link to the Publican and Morning Advertiser below.
Todays the day
It’s been along hard battle but we are finally in!
Mission Accomplished
History in the making! North London’s First Community Pub!
The Antwerp Arms Association are delighted to be able to announce, that after almost 2 years of negotiating, organising and fundraising, the freehold purchase of the Antwerp Arms Public House, has been completed today.
The Antwerp Arms Association will take over soon after 15 April 2015 when the current landlord, Justin, leaves for pastures new.
We have had amazing support from all of our shareholders and the community. Thank you so much.
We look forward to raising a glass or two with all of you, at the ‘Annie’, our community hub.
More news to follow soon!
Exchange of contracts
WE HAVE FINALLY EXCHANGED CONTRACTS and will complete the purchase of the ‘Annie’ at the end of March.
O’Brien family return
Family history search leads to The Antwerp Arms
We had a Facebook message recently from Joe McIntyre who has been researching his family tree and discovered that his Great Grandparents Joseph Michael O’Brian and Louise Mary O’Brian owned and run the Annie from sometime before 1910 to 1940.
There is actually some framed information about the O’Brian family hang on the wall at the back of the pub. I went to meet Joe and his Mum at the pub and we had a lovely couple of hours piecing it all together.
Grant from the Social Investment Business
Great news! We’ve been successful in our application for a grant from the Social Investment Business – this has allowed us to make an offer for the Antwerp Arms that has been accepted.
We will have more details soon, but this would not have been possible without the support of our investors and all of those in the local community who have been a part of our cause.
Of course, this is just the next step on the journey to creating a successful and vibrant community pub in the heart of Tottenham. There will be a lot of work over the coming weeks and months, and many opportunities for you to get involved and show your support.
Many, many thanks!
Minimum target raised
We have raised our minimum target, and the share issue will go ahead.
We have extended the offer for another two weeks to allow more people to join in.
We are now going ahead to negotiate a price with the vendor of the freehold.